Caffe Cherry Beans

In a desperate attempt to reset my body clock before returning to work on Monday, I set my alarm today for 9 and went out for breakkie, this time to Caffe Cherry Beans in the Belconnen mall.

I always order the same thing, so standing behind someone who had no idea what he wanted was a bit frustrating! The eggs arrived quickly – so quickly that I made precious little progress on the book I was reading. The extra piece of toast was a bit superfluous, but I still ate it – the serving of eggs wasn’t plentiful enough to sustain two slices, and the eggs went cold a bit too quickly. The butter was slightly melted, and I don’t know whether this was deliberate or not, but either way, that’s kind of how I like it. Easier to spread.

Tea was once again in a bag. That’s three breakkies in a row! Having said that, it was nice and strong, for a tea bag.
